Abuse Alternatives, Inc.


What is Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior that is used by an individual to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner or family member. Dating violence is a kind of intimate partner violence that occurs between two people in a close relationship. It is a pattern of abusive behaviors by one partner against the other within the context of either casual dating or a long-term relationship. 

Who We Are

Involves injuring, disabling or killing the victim. Physical abuse can be performed with a weapon or restraint or merely using body, size or strength to harm another person. The injury from the abuse does not have to be major. 

Financial Abuse

Digital Abuse

Emotional/physchological Abuse

Sexual Abuse

Not only includes rape and sexual assault, but it also includes demeaning behavior like exposing a partner’s body to friends, forcing a partner into posing for pornography, secretly videotaping a partner while engaging in sex, or forcing a partner to have sex without using protection.

Safety Plan

Not only includes rape and sexual assault, but it also includes demeaning behavior like exposing a partner’s body to friends, forcing a partner into posing for pornography, secretly videotaping a partner while engaging in sex, or forcing a partner to have sex without using protection.
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