Abuse Alternatives, Inc.

Our History at Abuse Alternatives

A Legacy of Compassion and Support

For more than 40 years, Abuse Alternatives has been a guiding light for countless individuals and families navigating the darkness of domestic violence. With a legacy rooted in compassion, dedication, and unwavering support, we have stood as a pillar of safety and advocacy within the Washington County, VA; Bristol, TN/VA; and Upper Sullivan County, TN communities.

The Early Years

Founded on the principles of empathy and empowerment, our journey began with a simple yet profound mission: to provide quality services to our community so that all individuals might live free from the fear and oppression of domestic violence. We recognized the desperate need for a safe space and support system for those affected by domestic abuse and took action to fill that void.

Expanding Our Reach

As the needs of our community evolved, so did we. Launching a 24/7 crisis hotline and establishing an emergency shelter were among our first steps toward offering comprehensive assistance. Understanding that domestic violence affects not just individuals but entire families, we stood up for over 2,500 children who found solace and security through our programs.

Advocacy and Empowerment

With a clear vision and dedication, we introduced a wide range of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of our clients. From crisis intervention and court advocacy to safety planning, our efforts are designed to give our clients the confidence and tools they need to rebuild their lives. We recognize that healing from domestic violence is a journey, and we are here to provide support every step of the way.

Education and Awareness

Recognizing the power of knowledge, Abuse Alternatives embarked on a path of community and professional education. By raising awareness and understanding of domestic violence, we strive to prevent abuse before it starts and to equip the community with the knowledge to take a stand against violence.

A Team of Heart and Resolve

Our dedicated and compassionate staff and board members have been the backbone of our organization. Each individual brings a unique set of skills and a shared commitment to ending domestic violence, making it possible for us to offer all our services free of charge.

The Impact of Generosity

We are deeply grateful to our funding partners, including the Tennessee Department of Criminal Justice Program, the Virginia Departments of Criminal Justice Services and Social Services, and the United Way of Bristol. Their support, along with the generosity of individuals offering monthly supplies and monetary gifts, has been instrumental in our ability to serve the community.

Looking Forward

As we reflect on our impactful history, with an estimated lifetime economic impact from domestic violence at over $3.6 trillion dollars, we remain focused on the future. Abuse Alternatives continues to seek innovative ways to expand our services and to foster a culture where domestic violence is not just addressed but eradicated.

Join us as we continue our mission, driven by over three decades of service and the countless lives transformed along the way. Together, we can build on our history to create a future where everyone is free from domestic violence.

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